Friday, May 1, 2009

Elected as National Secretary

I am quite active in school organization called Beta Alpha Psi or BAP. You can click on this website to find out more. Last semester Lily and Yeye were two of the six officers and I am inspired to become one of the officers in the future. However, I never thought that I would be running for National Secretary this semester because I thought that I would be busy in the Fall. But Derek kept persuading to become one team with him(because he wants to become President in Fall). After much thoughts, I agreed to run and Derek nominated me. I then prepared a speech and campaigned before the election.

There were 3 of us who run for the same position. At the end of the day, our votes were really close and so there was no decision made yet. It happened to the president too. After 2 weeks, an email was sent and the winner was announced. Derek and me won. yayyy... i really like the officer team for next semester. Hopefully we'll build a strong teamwork and make BAP a better club.


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