How time flies that now it's already the final quarter of 2012!
Just want to share a song by Corrine May that was shown during one of the Sunday service at my church when the Pastor preached the expository reading on Mark 6:30-55 about the feeding on 5,000.
It's about the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, one of the miracles of Jesus Christ. I've listened to many sermons whereby the main emphasis is on the miracle work of Jesus that He used only 5 loaves and 2 fishes to feed 5,000 men in addition to women and children, and still there are plenty of leftovers left. Yes, it was indeed miracolous and amazing. And many often, we forget about the little boy who 'surrendered' his food, he didn't know what they would do with it, and yet through the little boy's meal, the miracle happened. In this song, the focus is about the little boy who willingly gave his meal (the 5 loaves and 2 fishes) to be used by God to do wonders for people! I learnt to surrender of what little we have for His glory & His will. May this song can be a blessing as it has blessed me ;)
On a side note, I want to share my pastor's sermon that was posted on youtube weekly. Follow it as now we are learning the Gospel of Mark, which I must say I have learnt a lot, biblically and practically.
Here's the link: REC Singapore
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