Richard and I recently watched a
sermon from Northpoint church entitling "@ Work". It's a very simple message, yet it's very true, relevant and applicable to our daily life. Quoted from the description of the message:
Many of us will spend half of our lives at work. Yet research tells us that over 80 percent of us are dissastified with our jobs, feeling fearful and frustrated most of the time. This message, Jeff Henderson (the speaker) offers a perspective on work that could forever change your experience "on the job". I highly encourage you to listen and watch it yourself. There's 3 parts sermon, I just watched the first part.
I will write it down for a reminder to myself.
Some of us, or most, we are
trapped. We are frustrated, stressed with our job, but at the same time we are fearful that we might lose the job that gives us so much frustration. How ironic!
God created the idea of work. Work was God's idea. We should discover God's original idea purpose of work. We should connect the purpose of work and the purpose of you. We will never understand the purpose
at work until we understand the purpose
of work.
So what is the purpose of work? Is it for paying the bill? Identity? purpose? success?
None of these are God's original idea of work.
Going back all the way into the Book of Genesis:
Many of us believe that the idea of work starts in Genesis 3:17 -- "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful
toil you will eat of it, all the days of your life. "
Work is not introduced to us as a curse; but in Gen 2:15 -- The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to
work it and take care of it.
Before the fall of the sin, God gave work to man, not as a curse, but as a blessing. Just like God who created the heaven and earth, who "worked" for six days, so much that He enjoyed it, that He wanted men to enjoy work as much as God did. So, work is a blessing.
The purpose of work
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
What does working for the Lord mean?
You work for Jesus.
Whatever it is that you do, it reflects upon Jesus.
Marthin Luther once said: the men who sweeps the kitchen floor is doing the will of God, just as much as the monk who prays, not because he might sing praises and hymns while he sweeps, but God likes clean floor :)
The purpose of my life @ work is to show that God is @ work in my life.